Mighty Eagle’s Boot Camp has turned into a hackers practical joke. Top spots are riddled with clones and barely full flocks. It is impossible for players with lower FP to compete with players well above 1,000 FP. There are many things gumming up the works and players are up in arms. Rovio’s response to the problem is the #ExtraBirdChallenge. It is the first real attempt at leveling the playing field in MEBC. The two biggest changes are the removal of the destructometer and having access to your entire flock. Removing the destructometer really has had the biggest impact on game play. This means there is no bird card rejuvenation. You are given 11 bird cards to start the MEBC round, one of each. I did receive a golden pig, which would instantly fill the destructometer and supply an extra card, but nope, not now! No destructometer means the golden pig is only a shiny thing used to distract you from your score. The idea behind the change is that every player is given the same numbe...