Rovio Rumble ~ October Updates

After more than a week without so much as a hint at a battle we all started wondering..... where, oh where, had our clan battles gone? Apparently put on hold while Rovio prepared some massive game updates. On October 21, 2019 a new update was released that included the new Daily Challenge streak and the Rowdy Rumble Tournament. The jury is still out on what we think of the new features, preliminary reports aren’t positive. Stay tuned to Lil Bugs Corner for an in-depth look soon.
What the update didn’t mention is the drastic change to extra birds. For a while now players have been reporting extra birds staying open for 12-24 hours then sleeping for 24 hours. It seems this was a test run for our new update. We also saw a force unlock of all extra birds after the last update in September. Extra birds just unlocked with a FP in the twenties. All of this was leading up to the never sleeping extra birds. You read that right, the extra birds don’t sleep anymore. We can now toggle between each bird at will! Failed a map level with Stella? go out and switch your extra bird!
Extra birds no longer require feathers to unlock. Bird keys to unlock the extra birds can be found on the map, just like the other birds in your flock. Since extra birds are unlocking without feathers they start with a 1 FP.
Another notable change after the September update was how Clan vs clan battle match ups were determined. The most obvious change was now having uneven member match ups. Some clans are going head to head with clans that have more members, sometimes as many as 7 more members! This is a first, even for long time players. It is believed this change is to account for the use of “dummy” profiles. Many of the clans affected employ the baby flock battle strategy.
We aren’t quite sure what triggers going into the “dummy pool” for battle match ups. Small flocks alone aren’t enough. The frame color, number and FP of unlocked birds, activity level, and the number of these profiles in a clan are probably more of a factor.
Since it had been over a week since our last clan battle we anticipated some big changes with this update. Cheating and mismatches have become a huge problem and Rovio appears to be making some adjustments in response. Both the September and October updates included updates to the clan systems. They have been tight lipped about the details but multiple players received confirmation changes are in the works.
Since we were in the midst of a clan battle it should come as no surprise the update included a new hat set and hat adventure. Having Hat Events during CvC is a huge point of contention. Only players with lots of gems are able to obtain complete sets from the Tower of Fortune. Those without the gem bank can either purchase gems or succumb to the realization they will probably not get the event hats from the Tower of Fortune.
Event Hats have a power boost and usually start as a +16 hat. Depending on the length of the event the FP can get fairly high if the +1 is earned in the ToF every day. The new Bug Hat Set starts at a +25! A freaking +25!!! This set up will give an advantage to a more, let’s call them affluent, clan. It will be interesting to hear how the Hat Event changed the outcomes of the CvC.
Now that the first Rowdy Rumble Tournament is over I will be able to put together a breakdown, all you need to know....well an ‘all we really know’ about the RR. The biggest discrepancy we are seeing is the wait times between attempts. Some players report initial waits of 8-15 minutes that shifted to 30 minutes - 3 hours whereas some only had 3 hour wait times. A few players said they weren’t given a free play option. I think this is probably because they did their first attempt with less than 3 hoursleft in the duel.
My theory is wait times are based on whether your opponent has played and how much time is left in the duel. We will see how the theory pans out in the upcoming article. Feel free to email me at or hit up the Face Book chat and tell me about your trip through the Rowdy Rumble Tournament. I’d love to hear about you’re experiences. In the meantime, good luck and keep RUMBELING!!! But don’t spend any gems!
                               Happy Flinging 🦅
                                     🍻 Cheers,
                                                 Lil Bug


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