Dummies Defined

One of the hot button issues in Angry Birds 2 is the use of dummies in clans. This poses the question, what is a dummy? The FaceBook advocacy group ‘No Dummies Allowed AB2’ defines a dummy as player accounts maintained at a low flock power solely for biasing Clan vs Clan matches.
Dummy accounts are usually easy to spot. The main thing to look for is flock power, many times it’s below 65. A combination of white MEBC frames, Vanilla League, no hatchling, and a base level slingshot are also signs of dummy accounts. The dead giveaway is not having the whole flock unlocked. Some dummy accounts may only have three or four birds open.
At this point you may be wondering how in the world such a small flock could give a clan any sort of advantage. Valid question! From what we can tell Rovio matches clans based on the number of players and the clan flock power. They didn’t fully account for the distribution of flock power within the clan. Clans with 10 players over 1,000 flock power and 10 dummy accounts are matched against clans with a wide range of flock powers but only one or two players over 1,000 flock power. The 10 dummies rebalance the flock power of the 10 players at the top, giving the illusion of a fair match up. These top heavy teams are cleaning house in Clan vs Clan Battles due to the unbalanced match.
Using dummies isn’t technically cheating and Rovio has not un-allowed the practice. The AB2 community is divided over the issue. The No Dummies Allowed AB2 advocacy group is working with Rovio to change the match up system and it seems to be having an effect. Below is a recent response from Rovio directly to No Dummies Allowed AB2.

General consensus is the new system looks at a clans top players to see if they are evenly matched. Clan vs Clan Battles are usually determined by placement in the top 10-15 spots. What we don’t know, is how many top players are being compared. Is it 2, 5, 10?
So far the change hasn’t quite had the expected impact. Many clans report no change in match up discrepancies. The clan total flock power differences seem to be a bit more even and fewer clans are reporting opponents having a different number of players. Some had reported up to five more players in the opposing clan.
The response also states it’s a work in progress and they welcome feedback. If there is a change you wish to see in the game email Rovio support https://support.rovio.com  and let them know!
For now, we wait... and BATTLE! And soon we shall see if the new changes can really shake things up! The recent update is also changing the scoring system in CvC to try make dummies ineffective. Stay tuned for an update on the new scoring model!
Special thank you to No Dummies Allowed AB2 https://www.facebook.com/groups/no.dummies.allowed/?ref=share for their contributions!

                                                                 Good Luck & Happy Flinging!
                                                                                       Lil Bug


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