MEBC: The Fly Over

Mighty Eagle runs a tight ship and expects you to play in Boot Camp daily. Those who do will be handsomely rewarded. Do not be intimidated! This is a great place to practice and earn free rewards. You only get one free run, so make the most of it. If you wish to make additional attempts it will cost you gems, currently 60 gems pre rerun.
The goal is to clear as many rooms as you can while causing as much damage as possible until you run out of birds or rooms. There are a limited number of rooms but it is rare for a player to finish MEBC with birds left over. Each room cleared pays Mighty Eagle coins. Additionally, the higher your final score, the more Mighty Eagle coins you will earn when the days training is complete. Your daily placement on the Local Leaderboard pays if you place high enough, and your frame coins are tallied up and paid out at the end of the season.
MEBC seasons vary between 40-48 days typically. When you play MEBC you compete against all players in the game. Your score is awarded coins based on your rank. Those ‘frame coins’ are collected all season. As you accumulate frame coins you will hit milestones and the frame around your profile picture will change. The color and style of the frame signifies that players rank in MEBC. Frames reset to plain white at the end of each season.
Below is a chart with all the different MEBC frame levels and the point requirements for each level. You can use this to calculate how many points you need to score per day to reach a certain frame by the end of the current season.

This chart also illustrates how many Mighty Eagle coins you earn when the frames cash in at seasons end.
It used to be the MEBC shop was only open for a few days at the close of a season. A recent update has left the shop open indefinitely allowing players to make a purchase any time. Rewards in the shop include rainbow feathers, black pearls, profile pictures, legendary boxes, and the coveted MEBC hats. A few things to note about the rewards. First, the cool moving profile pics are just that, that’s all. They mean you must be some kind of MEBC god with a ton of extra coins. It does nothing for you. But they are cool! Next, if you are planning to purchase black pearls or rainbow feathers wait until there is a Black Pearl Party or Feather Frenzy to cash in your coin. Remember, now you can score a Feather Frenzy at the end of hat adventures, which pairs well with a visit to the shop. Lastly, the MEBC hats are only found in the MEBC shop, not the Tower of Fortune or in chests. The hats are +11, making them +1 higher than the highest legendary level hats in the Hat Shop. Each season one hat is on sale, 1,500 coins vs 5,000 coins normally, and remains on sale through the the duration of the season. Hat sales rotate in the same order as your bird cards. If the current sale hat is for Red the next hat on sale will be for Blues and so on. There aren’t MEBC hats for extra birds.
If you get to the end of a season, cash in your frame and find you are a few coins shy of your desired purchase, be patient. Coins are awarded to your bank daily for clearing rooms and placement on the Local Leaderboard. You will have what you need before you know it.
There are 3 main tabs in MEBC. There is the Local Leaderboard which shows where you rank daily and for the overall season in a group of similar size flocks. The Global Leaderboard shows the top 100 flingers in the game for the day and the season. You can see your global rank for your daily score and how many frame coins you earned that day under the daily Global Leaderboard. You can view how many total frame points you currently have and your global rank under the season Global Leaderboard.
The last tab is the top 100 clans in the game. If you are in a clan, your clan rank and total team points will be displayed on the left side of the screen. Clans that finish in the top 100 aren’t awarded anything extra. So why get to the top 100? Prestige...but mostly recruiting. Being in the top 100 means stiff competition. Many clans in the top 100 have frame requirements for members. Members are expected to keep up with frame milestones and obtain certain frames by the end of the season. This is where the chart is handy. Check how many points you need per day, is that obtainable for your flock size?
White MEBC frames are generally frowned upon in clans. It can be a sign of many things, inactivity is a big one. Large flocks with white frames are often suspected of being clone accounts. The stronger the frame the more likely a player is to be accepted into a clan.
One of the biggest gripes about MEBC is the “cheaters in the top 100”. Accounts that look legit but constantly score much higher than average. These accounts may be gem cycling. Unlimited gems means unlimited shuffles, rewinds, and reruns. I am not saying this is what any specific player is doing, simply this is a common form of cheating.
Another big motivation for playing MEBC is practice. It is one of the only places you can play lava boards. I have found when there is a Clan vs Clan Battle about to start, the MEBC land for that day will match they land type for the Clan Battle. For example, if my Clan vs Clan starts this evening and my MEBC that day was lava, I anticipate lava in the Clan Battle. Playing MEBC gives you a chance to warm up for battle. You can also check gamer chat groups and You Tube for video tutorials on the daily MEBC. Many Flingers record their run and post it for other players.
For most players there is no good reason to pay for reruns. Spending constantly to keep up with a clan frame requirement doesn’t make sense either. If you are struggling with this, see if you can move to a secondary clan with lesser requirements or come back later when you have grown to a larger flock. It is easier to meet clan frame requirements as a flock over 500 flock power. If you are nearing the end of a season and are close to a frame change spending gems makes sense if it will push you to the next level.
The newest Rovio twist on MEBC is the addition of extra cards. Each day you can earn up to two extra cards to be used during your MEBC run. If you do earn them, you can use them on every run you make that day. Here is the twist, you must complete the Daily Challenge and the King Pig Panic to collect all the cards, one per challenge. The card earned in the Daily Challenge is the bird of the day, the King Pig Panic card is random. This means you must complete the Daily Challenge and the King Pig Panic before running the free play in MEBC. If you earn the cards after you play MEBC you will have to pay for a replay to use them, they will not carry over.
Some days are tighter than others. Some days are survivor piggy hell! (Often this happens close to a frame change.) Some days are epic!
So many reasons to play MEBC! Practice, rewards, chasing prestige! Sure, I probably won’t make it to the top of the Global Leaderboard, but I can be at the top with the new Local Leaderboard. Extra coins were added for finishing rooms in the past 6 months and extra coins were added to the Local Leaderboard in February. There is a lot of free coin out there that can equate to big rewards! So come on, play MEBC! All the cool kids are doing it!
                                                               Until next time...
                                                                    Good Luck & Happy Flinging!
                                                                                      Lil Bug


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