Current ‘Glitches’ September 2019

In preparation for the new movie release Rovio released new updates, which included the Leonard Unlocking Event. Almost immediately and even still players began reporting inconsistencies in the game. According to the Angry Birds 2 Gamers Fan-Page here is a current list of the most reported issues:
     1. Common Chests At Different Intervals ~ Typically players receive a free Common Chest every 30 minutes. The 30 minutes resets once you have finished opening the chest and watching any videos. Multiple players are now experiencing a 2 hour wait. This can drastically reduce the free gems, black pearls, spells, and feathers a player can collect. I know I pop into the game frequently throughout the day solely to check the Common Chest. I always break while playing to open the Common Chest as soon as it’s available as well. This ensures I collect maximum free rewards!
     2. Pearl Chest Missing In The Hat Shop ~ The Hat Shop currently contains a Free Chest Players can open once every 24 hours. It’s only reward is black pearls. This Hat Shop Chest has vanished for many players. Yet another drastic reduction in free black pearls available for collection. This can pose an extra hardship on the new flocks since they do not need much initially to level up their slingshots.
     3. Shuffle & Rewind Buttons Are Missing ~ I’m sure you’ve noticed the shuffle and rewind buttons in the middle of your screen during a level or Clan battle. The shuffle button allows you to change the order of your bird cards. Rewind allows you to restart a room that maybe hasn’t gone so well. Both will cost you gems to use and get more expensive each time you use them in the level. Rovio has removed the icons all together, randomly, for numerous players. While this has very little impact in some areas, like Map, it can be detrimental to MEBC and CvC scores. Placing some at an unfair disadvantage against their competition.
     4. Only The Shuffel Button Missing ~ Again the biggest impact is for MEBC and CvC scoring. After reading through chatter it seems the people who lost the shuffle button were players actually using it. Many players that still have the shuffle button report they never use it. The theory goes these players will just use the more expensive rewind button as the alternative. This extra gem usage would lead to more in app gem purchases aka revenue for Rovio. At the moment, many players have chosen to boycott in app purchases all together to protest the changes.
     5. Destruction Meter Not Filling ~ When you destroy towers the Destruction Meter in the top right corner of your screen fills. The bigger your FP the faster it fills.... normally. Many players reported their meter simply wasn’t filling, room after room, leaving them with too few birds to complete the level. This kink seems to have been worked out. If you are still experiencing this issue send in a ticket to Rovio Support. If you have a low FP be patient! 😁 The Destruction Meter fills slowly for lower FP Flingers.
     6. Spells Are Not Available For CvC & Point Events ~ this can put some players or even Clans, depending on how many players in the Clan are affected, at a severe disadvantage. Being able to bring spell cards in addition to current flock greatly increases a players scoring potential. Unless Clan members are sharing with the Clan that spells are available some players may not even realize they are missing out. This issue is still ongoing.
    7. Daily Challenge Reduced To 2 Hours Time Limit ~ Usually players have 8 hours to complete the daily Challenge. This new change has shortened the time limit to 2 hours.
     8. Eight Roomed Daily Challenge ~ Normally 2-5 rooms per level. Some players are experiencing 8 room levels. Ouch!
     9. Server Connection Fails ~ A few players are not able to open Angry Birds 2 at all. The only way to send a ticket in this instance is directly through the support channel on Rovio’s website It is helpful to provide screenshots of your player ID # any any screenshots of your account. That being said, if you haven’t already, take pics of your ID# (found on the screen where you change your name) and your homepage. Backup to the cloud and FaceBook often. Don’t share your player ID #.
     10. Locked Birds Unlock On Their Own ~ Players who had chosen to keep Extra Birds locked up are surprised to find them breaking free on their own. Many have said when they opened the game they were immediately notified that Hal, for example, had unlocked with xyz # of feathers. Lucky you! There’s no putting the egg back in that chicken either!

Phew! That is quite the list! The one commonality is the changes effect players at random. Some have had normal function restored and some have received the generic help desk response. There is a rather large outcry regarding the fairness and duration of these ‘glitches’. We have been referring to them as ‘glitches’ but, as Rovio has expressed in their canned response, it seems as though they are game changes Rovio is considering implementing.
If you are experiencing any of these issues you can either contact Rovio directly through or through the game app. On the bottom left corner of your screen is a gear icon, this is your settings. If you open that icon you will see a ? icon, open it. There is a ‘contact us’ link to send in a ticket. This is also where you need to check for a response. Given time zones and business days responses usually arrive within 48 hours. These are also the two avenues you have to share ideas about improvements you would like to see in the game.
It can be frustrating to experience these glitches with seemingly no help from Rovio. Keep in mind this is a publicly traded company that must answer to its investors (Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company is their #1 Shareholder). If enough complaints are logged it should incite change. Remember, you catch more bees with honey. There is a person on the other end, so articulate your problem, offer solutions, and treat them like you were face to face. This is just a game after all and we just want to have fun! #FreeTheShuffleButton

Thanks for hangin’ on the corner! See ya again soon. Good Luck & Happy Flinging!
                      🦅 Lil Bug


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