Leonard’s Release: To Unlock or Not to Unlock

Leonard is the newest member of the flock. You may have noticed, he’s a pig. August 2019 marks the first pig ever to join the flock and it looks like he is here to stay. At least for now. Leonard’s most notable contribution is his ability to shoot snot wads out of his face. You get 3 snot shots. A shot is deployed by tapping your finger on the screen. He will no longer deploy once his body hits something. There is a little white arrow off the tip of his nose to indicate the flight path of the snot wads. The force of each snotty shot sends Leonard spinning in a circle while traveling away from his last shot. This can make accuracy extremely challenging. If you aren’t much of a marksman don’t fret! Leonard can also be used like a snotty boulder, eliciting Terence level destruction, complete with snot splatter effect.
Now that you have met Leonard you must decide if you will unlock this Extra Bird or leave him locked in exile. Here are a few things to consider. Now that original Unlocking Event is over most players will need to collect 10,000 feathers inside of 24 hours or simply wait 24 hours. When Rovio launches the new Extra Bird the Unlocking Event last 6 days or requires 60,000 feathers. For larger FP flingers it is better to have 60,000 feathers to complete the unlock. This ensures a new Extra Bird, like Leonard, unlocks at a similar card level to your flock.
During an Unlocking Event all feathers awarded in the game will be for whichever bird you are unlocking. When you unlock Leonard you’ll notice all your feather awards are green snotty feathers. After Leonard unlocks the feather rewards will automatically revert back to normal. Now Leonard feathers will only be found in chests. Extra Bird feathers are not awarded in the Daily Challenge, Daily Quests/Feats, Clan vs Clan Battles, Clan Point Challenges, or in the Arena. It is possible that a chest awarded in one of these events could contain Extra Bird feathers.
Many players use Rainbow Feather Events strictly to level up Extra Birds. Rainbow Feather Events convert all feathers to to rainbow feathers for the duration of the event. This allows you to choose which bird you would like to receive the feathers. Doesn’t matter if your Extra Bird is higher or lower than the current average card in your flock. Use the Rainbow Feather Event to catch up any Extra Bird that’s behind or boost up your favorite Extra Bird.
Leonard is tricky to master. Some players decided to keep him locked in exile. They don’t feel like they will use him and they don’t want the other birds to compete with his feathers too. (This is the same reason Hal remains locked up. If Hal and Leonard are locked up there are 2 fewer feather types in chests.)
All it takes is practice! The Map is the best place to practice. Doesn’t cost anything and lives are rejuvenated every 30 minutes. Don’t be afraid to fail! Figuring out Leonard’s aim, spin, and flight path will take time. The more you practice with him the better you will become! For help with shot training check out Fly By Knight on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpgLDzMxm-JAEsU03XVHsgA
Hope this was helpful! Feel free to contact me with questions and suggestions! Thank you for hanging at the corner with me. Good Luck & Happy Flinging! 🦅 Lil Bug


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