Rovio’s Response to September 2019 Glitches

Rovio released a new update on 9/15/2019 with a very vague description. Mainly they were “just cleaning up around the nest”. This will become a forced update, meaning you will have to update the game to continue playing. Apple updates are released before Android, and Windows is on a different platform that isn’t linked to the other two. The hope was, issues like missing shuffle buttons and four hour common chests would be restored, but to no avail. Many players have reported the Hat Shop Chest has returned but some are still missing. So we are not entirely sure if this is a Rovio support thing or more of a sweeping update thing.
One thing we do know for sure is Extra Birds that have remained locked in exile are forced to unlock.  Players that had kept Hal and/or Leonard locked suddenly found themselves with two new birds. The birds unlocked at minimum card levels since feathers were not required to unlock them.
Clone accounts are a raging problem and they seem to appear in droves around CvC time. There was a CvC Battle happening when the forced update occurred, and the strangest thing happened...players started dropping like flies. All across the board, different clans, different nationalities. Entire clans dismantled right before our eyes. I believe this was the nest cleaning they were referring to. There has been a huge influx of reporting trying to get ahold of the rampant cheating. Players are pleading with Rovio in chat rooms to put the squeeze on the hacks. Well, I think they are listening. This most recent update seems to have cleaned the nest with extreme prejudice.
On the tail side of the coin the update did nothing for the glitches. Maybe because they aren’t glitches at all. Just random torture methods spun throughout the game so the game developing department can get back at the support desk department and it really has nothing to do with us at all.
Rovio continues to advise that the ‘glitches’ are actually them testing new avenues for the game. Some things may be restored for everyone and other things removed for everyone, eventually. I have attached two general Rovio responses to other players for you to review. One regarding the Tower of Fortune and the other Common Chests at four hours instead of 30 minutes.
So, for now, we wait. Maybe the next update we will see some changes. Or maybe the war between gaming and support will rage on for another month! Either way, just keep flinging!
                      Thanks for hanging fellow flingers!
                                             Lil Bug


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