Glossary of AB2 Terms

AB2: Angry Birds 2, common abbriviation for the game. 
BP: Black Pearls, used for the purchase of hats.
BPP: Black Pearl Party, all Black Pearl rewards are double during timed event.
CvC: Clan vs Clan Battle, available to Clans with 5 or more members. Two Clans battle for eggs, most eggs when time expires wins. Top 50 scores earn BP, winning team wins Feathers and Chest (amount of feathers and type of chest depend on Clan level).
DC: Daily Challenge, 3 level challenge with bonus rewards, offered daily with 8 hour time limit.
DC Streak: Daily Challenge Streak, complete all 3 levels of the DC in one life to climb the streak ladder. Rewards improve with each level of the streak ladder and finish with a Legendary Chest. Lose any level once and the streak will reset. 
Destructo-meter: Destruction Meter, located in the top right corner of the screen, collects the damage from boards and produces extra cards. 
Discord: Chat app, commonly used for Clan communication outside of the game.
#ExtraBirdEvent: during this MEBC event the destructometer is removed and players are given 11 cards to throw, one of each bird.
Fast Forward: allows player to move to the next room once all pigs are squashed in current room.
FF: Feather Frenzy, all feather rewards are double during timed event. 
FP: Flock Power, this is the total power level of your flock including hats, slingshot, card levels, and hatchling. 
Gems: also referred to as Crystals, used as game currency.
KPP: King Pig Panic, only accessed when the Daily Challenge has been completed. One hour time limit to complete 3 levels and collect the bonus rewards. 
Line: Chat app, commonly used for Clan communication outside the game. 
MEBC: Mighty Eagle’s Boot Camp, a place to train for upcoming events and earn Mighty Eagle coins to spen in Mighty Eagle’s Shop. 
Messenger: short for Face Book Messenger, a chat app commonly used for Clan coummunication outside the game. 
Rainbow Feathers: feather awards can be given to the bird of your choice.
Rainbow Rave: all feather rewards are Rainbow Feathers during timed event.
Rank Up: collect enough stars through the Map and Arena to reach a new rank and earn a ‘Rank Up Rare Chest’.
Rewind Button: typically found anywhere birds are flung, allows player to rewind room and restart fresh. Each rewind costs an increasing number of gems.
Shuffle Button: typically found anywhere birds are flung, allows player to shuffle bird cards to change the line up order. Each shuffle costs an increasing number of gems.
Telegram: Chat app, most user friendly with the chat overlay there is no need to leave the game to chat with friends. Also easiest to share large files like videos.
ToF:Tower of Fortune, more commonly referred to as the Tower of Misfortune. Test your luck and run the tower for big rewards. May the odds be ever in your favor. 
3/6/9: refers to the minimum points expected in a Clan point event. Players need to reach 3 points in a 200 point challenge, 6 points in a 400 point challenge, and 9 points in a 600 point challenge. 
4/8/12: refers to the minimum points expected in a Clan point event. Players need to reach 4 points for a 200 point challenge, 8 points for a 400 point challenge, and 12 points for a 600 point challenge. The players are really playing towards 6/9/12 but in the 4/8/12 they aren’t peanilized for failing when trying to go for more points. 4/8/12 are the points needed for a full 50 member clan to hit the goals.


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