Gem Hoarding Part 1

Ever notice how you never seem to have enough gems? Are you in the “can’t play anymore because of how much I spend” camp? Then this is just for you! I mean, who doesn’t need a fat gem bank.
Hoarding gems is a bit of an art and requires self control and patience. The first habit to break is spending gems to complete map levels. Stop it! The map is really just practice and there is no big benefit to getting further faster. At some point you will be waiting for new levels to come out, no need to rush the waiting game. I have had to play some levels dozens of times, and it may take a couple weeks to conquer the one level, but I mostly never spend. It’s not often you get stuck like that so keep flinging and just replay if you fail. (If you are consistently failing in a world type ie slime, keep practicing those levels on the map.)
The addition of the Daily Challenge streak creates a new dynamic when deciding to spend gems. I managed to hit the Legendary Chest twice but had to pay 60 gems to beat the King Pig for both of them. I refuse to pay for any other level of the streak. On a side note, I have also noticed the Daily Challenge tends to be more difficult if the King Pig Panic is a Daily Quest. Check the FaceBook chat groups to see what has come up for people (it’s not the same for everyone). If most are paying to finish I may only play level 1 & 2 of the Daily Challenge and skip the King Pig level. This won’t advance my streak but, as long as I beat both levels, I will keep my streak position the same and allows me to collect my gems from the Daily Quests. If I am on the first few levels of the streak I will continue playing the Daily Challenge until I crush it or run out of time.
I always play King Pig Panic but only pay to finish if I am on the last level. If you spend on DC & KPP you will have spent more than what you can collect by completing the Daily Quests (minus the Daily Gem Letter).
This brings us to the Tower of Fortune. Can you guess what I am going to say about this? To each their own! It’s a real Vegas gamble to play. I’ve seen people spend 1,700 gems and make it to floor 60, miss the jackpot egg, but still receive 6,000 gems in return. Some claim to have spent 10,000 gems to get to floor 60. Then there are the players who hit a pig on the second and third floors all the time.
When deciding to spend, compare the rewards to the cost. If you don’t have the video in the TofF I would be cashing out after the first pig. If you have a video and are on floor 4, for example, I might pay the 20 gems and see where it leads. Most the time I will watch the video on the second pig and cash out. This means I have spent a max 20 gems and you’re likely to make half that or better back from the TofF.
Bigger! Stronger! Faster! That’s how we want to grow our flocks. Patience. Patience is the biggest lesson this game teaches. So don’t worry so much about how big your flock power is or how fast you got there. If you can get onboard with that concept it’s much easier to pass on the extra card purchases in chests. Let’s face it, you know you were getting the triple ducks or a level 2 hat for 20 Black Pearls anyway.
Clan events are tough. You have the opportunity for big, mostly guaranteed, rewards but you need to spend gems. If you are in and out of the game a lot during Clan vs Clan Battles be sure to fling your free play every time you can. Scores can really start to improve after 3-4 runs. I do not spend gems on CvC. As one of the lower Flock Powers in my clan my score improvement doesn’t shift the team score enough to warrant spending 200 gems. The big Flock Powers in the clan will spend for a run, only if needed. The trade off is us small flocks throw up the the extra points needed to complete point events. This is a good balance in the clan. Helps to keep individual players from overspending, keeps us competitive in CvC, and completing every point challenge.
Point challenges are my biggest gem expenditure. There is the cost to play, the decision to buy more birds or replay a level (a replay means you lose points you’ve already paid to earn once), and just how many points are you going to put up. The gems earned as the reward will cover the gems spent for 3/9/12 minimums. Spending gems to put up points for your clan is a good thing! If you are in a good clan and everyone is doing the same thing everyone will be rewarded.
Speaking of clan events...I’d better go fling in our 400! If you want to keep learning more about how I maintain a 2,000-4,000 gem bank without spending any money come back soon for part two of Gem Hoarding. Until then may your birds follow the outlined flight path and deploy on command!
                                                                          Lil Bug


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