New Clan Battle Scoring

The fourth Clan vs Clan Battle utilizing the new scoring system has ended. What does everyone think? I think it’s great! This new system is purely skill based, in theory... Shall we dissect that theory a bit?
Previous scoring system allotted a set number of eggs (or points) per position on the scoreboard. When players changed position on the leaderboard both team scores could fluctuate. The top 15-20 players determined battle outcomes. Many clans adopted dummy flocks to improve matchups. Since the bottom part of a clan scored 1-5 eggs, the 10 eggs missed by a clan with 10 dummies didn’t affect the overall outcome. All that has changed!
Under the new system eggs are awarded per millions of points in a players score. This means a score of 68,000,000 in battle would earn 68 eggs. One really cool thing I’ve noticed is a score of 68,531,540 earns 69 eggs. The system rounds up.
It’s important to note, when a player increases their score it will not reduce the score of others in their clan. The eggs you earn are yours. They are not reduced for a lessor score in subsequent runs. This scoring system should equate, in theory, to the more skilled team winning the battle.
Two things that can hurt a clan are inactive players and too many dummy flocks. No more hiding that 300-600fp that dashed or bounced during battle. With even matchups every score will matter. Inactive and dead dummy flocks could also hurt big too. A baby flock between 70-120fp could score 5-15 million = 5-16 eggs (remember rounding) vs 1-5 eggs (most likely 1) under the previous system. If there are 10 dummies with an average of 7 eggs (be real, typically these accounts are tied to experienced players) that’s 70 eggs that could be missed. This would have made the difference in a handful of battles I have seen posted on FaceBook.
Since every increase in score equates to more eggs, players should throw as often as possible. Large flocks that once perched comfortably at the top are finding it to be a much tighter race now, with fewer eggs between positions. This means that even the big guys need to keep flinging. Everyone now has the opportunity to change the outcome of a battle, which is really exciting!
What remains to be seen is whether or not dummy flocks affect clan matchups. The purpose of dummy flocks was to ‘rebalance’ the clan flock power, essentially changing the clan’s average player flock power and hiding big flocks. This may or may not have changed. Difference now is there had better be enough fire power to cover the missing/low scores from dummy flocks.
So far the response from the Angry Birds 2 community has been very positive overall. Advocacy groups like No Dummies Allowed AB2 worked closely with Rovio to change the scoring system. Many players provided information to aid in this process. A real change in the game reflecting the desires of its players, pretty cool!
Get ready for the next one! We will revisit the new scoring system after it’s had some time to marinate. In the meantime, let me know what you think!
                                            🦅 Good Luck & Happy Flinging 🦅
                                                                            Lil Bug


  1. I love the new scoring system. Every member can really contribute. In prior events you may need to increase your score by way more than you're capable of, just to earn 1 egg. Now every million counts.


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