Quarantine Coffee with Lil Bug

Hello all my friendly flingers! I invite you in for our second date, some quarantine coffee with me! I’ll wait while you go get your coffee... I would normally do it for you, seeing as you are my guest, but with the quarantine... you’ll just have to do it yourself this time. In all seriousness, I hope you are healthy and managing during this strange time. I have been in quarantine for over two months now and am finding it harder than ever to make time for writing! Now that the house is cleaned and the garden is in time for some fun!
Rovio has definitely been keeping us busy. Back to back to back battles with multiple overlapping point events, plus hatchling events, hat events, Rowdy Rumbles, and new mini events! Phew! What did I leave out? I feel like there was something else... How’s your coffee? Mine is hot and hazelnut, just how I like it. Mmmmmmm.....
At times the pace of play became a bit overwhelming. Some struggled to manage gems and asked for help more than normal. Others were so depleted on spells, OH YEAH! SUPER STREAK WEEKS! Due to the super streak weeks that it was tough to score well in clan battles.
The past six weeks have been a test of players ability to manage their resources. It was met with mixed reviews by the AB2 community. I had fun but I am not sad things seem to be slowing down. It’s giving me a chance to get back to writing.
Speaking of, my next article is the In’s & Out’s of MEBC. There seems to be a bit of confusion surrounding the purpose and rewards for MEBC. I hope to clear some of them up.
Keep your eyes peeled for more new content here at the corner. Part 2 of Clan Leadership and a snippet on the Rowdy Rumble should follow shortly. I would love to hear from you any questions or topics you would like covered. Drop a comment, follow me on Twitter @AngieBlu7, or send me an email lilbugclanmail@gmail.com.
                                                                Thanks for the date good lookin’!
                                                                   Good Luck & Happy Flinging!
                                                                                   Lil Bug


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